Perspective | Personal Project

I had a shopping day with my son, which is extremely rare. He never wants to shop, and it is never just the two of us. At a store he was searching through some jewelry and asked me what I thought of a tiny silver ring. I told him I liked it, and he informed me that “he had a plan for it”. I watched him take $10 out of his wallet, and proudly pay for the item. Once we were out of the store, he gave me the ring. He put it on my left hand, next to the ring that “daddy bought” because he stated it was just as important. I asked him why he chose that ring for me, and he said, “because it says LOVE, and I love you…..and look mom, it even says LOVE on the inside”. And now he is constantly checking my finger to make sure I am wearing it, and gives me a big smile when he sees the ring right where he put it.

Seriously… of the sweetest moments of my life. It definitely puts things into perspective. The little things in life, are truly the big things. I am extremely blessed.

8-52 Perspective

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